Logo: a symbol or other design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc. “the Olympic logo was emblazoned across their jackets”
Below you will see several logos I have designed for multiple companies over several industries over the years!
Client: Carolinas Kids Club | Local Daycare Logo | Created with Adobe Photoshop
Client: Kudzu Acres Farms | Local Farm Logo | Created with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
Client: AST | Corporate Celebration Logo | Created with Adobe Illustrator
Client: AST | Community Event Logo | Created with Adobe Illustrator
Client: Tosi Racing | Local Business Logo | Created with Adobe Photoshop
Client: Handman Pros LLC | Local Business Logo | Created with Adobe Illustrator
Client: Amethyst Global Trading, LLC | Corporate Business Logo | Created with Adobe Illustrator
Client: Harrisburg United Methodist Church | Community Event Logo | Created with Adobe Illustrator
Cleint: HUMC Consignment Crew | T-Shirt Design | Created with Adobe Illustrator
Client: Lead Up Markeitng | Local Business Logo | Created with Adobe Illustrator